Learning strategies and successful goal setting with Barnaby Fox
Barnaby Fox | Learning & Development Professional & Content Creator, Pako Creative
Published on 17 April 2024
Episode Highlights:
In this episode, 360ed.tv chats with returning guest Barnaby Fox, a learning and development professional and content creator from Pako Creative, who delves deeper into catalysts for learning and the strategies people can adopt to bring about meaningful change within the workplace and their personal lives.
Barbaby begins the discussion by sharing personal learning strategies and the significance of the ‘formula of change’, whereby a dissatisfaction with how things are currently drives a vision of what is possible, and when paired with concrete steps, can overcome resistance and make growth possible.
Providing an overview of his consultancy Pako Creative as a way to unite learning and development with content creation, Barnaby explains its nimble, three-pronged approach to learning and setting expectations. He outlines the strategy in defining what learning looks like and how it’s applied in any given organisation or scenario, the content and how to bring it to life, and the delivery with respect to a client handover that ensures continued success for the organisation.
Barnaby explores the value of building trust in project management and learning endeavours, the distribution of leadership for better ownership and outcomes, and the importance of knowledge transference that is accessible to all. To tackle project ambiguity, he recommends honing your personality management skills and checking any ego at the door, to ensure the learning goals remain front and centre.
Finally, Barnaby reflects on his own personal and professional goal setting, and not overlooking the rewards of the journey in pursuit of the destination.
How can we spark learning opportunities and embrace change in our personal and working lives? Listen to the episode to learn more.
#360edtv #learning #L&D #change #goals